
Dublin Kirtan Mela is a non-profit Community of Kirtan Lovers. We are a small group of organisers, whose hearts were touched and lives transformed when we came across this amazing form of Meditation known as Kirtan.

Our deepest wish is to share Kirtan far and wide and let the vibration of the mantra touch more hearts and change more lives.

Since 2017, we have been organising 2 to 3 Kirtans a year, free of charge, aiming to spread the white lotus of good fortune to all living beings.

Kirtan is food for the soul.

When you’re immersed in Kirtan, you feel illuminated from within, and the external world, with all its worry and confusion, melts away in that light.

Kirtan is where you can truly express the deepest cry of the soul.

Kirtan is easy, intuitive and inclusive – anyone can take part and feel its joy.

What is Kirtan?

Kirtan is, put simply, the call and response group singing of ancient mantras. In practice, it is a deeply transformative, even mystical, form of meditation. The sounds carry great spiritual power from bygone ages, and release the innermost, purest emotions buried within our souls. To understand it, one must experience it.

When we sing the mantras, we simply close our eyes and absorb ourselves in the spiritual sound vibration. We gradually let our thoughts flow away like dew evaporating in the sunlight, until all we are thinking, hearing, singing and feeling is the mantra. Mantras are extremely effective because they are not ordinary, material sound, but transcendental and sacred – they are the language of the soul.

In ancient India and up to this day, kirtan is a way to express devotion and longing to reconnect with the Divine – either as the all-pervading universal light (Brahman), as the Divinity seated within our hearts (Paramatma), or as the Supreme Person, with whom we have a loving relationship.

When we sing, if we like we can think that we are sincerely calling out to this Being because we want to know him and be connected with him. Or we can just absorb ourselves in the healing sound. Either way, it will act!

The more we allow it into our lives, the more we will be able to withstand stress, emotional crises or even trauma with inner peace and strength. Instead of felling lost, confused and helpless, we will feel serenity, understanding, and gratitude.

Our Events

Every year, we aim at organising a Kirtan Mela in Spring, Summer and Winter in Dublin. We are open to everyone.

Our events consist of a full day of Kirtan, with lunch and dinner provided free of charge to all our attendees. 

Throughout the day, we have various Kirtan Leaders leading the session. Our Kirtan singers comes from Ireland and some travels from various part of the world – UK, France, Hungary, Florida etc to be with us and chant together for the day. 

Our Kirtan Singers are also all volunteers and do not charge for this wonderful service. However, we usually have to support them by taking care of their transport and accommodation.