
For our event to happen, we need the help of many volunteers. If you would like to help us for 1 hour for the day, less or even more then email us at info@kirtanmela.ie, whatsapp Siroumi on 0863780266 or  Svetadvipa-Radhika on 0873648666. You can also simply fill in the form below and we will get back to you. 

The various areas we need help are: 
1. Receptionist: This involves helping registered members to check in and provide them with their wristband (you will be briefed beforehand). This service is for 1 hour max depending on your availability.

2. Transport: If you have a car and would like to offer lifts to our guest, help us bring equipments, prasadam etc on the day.

3. Cleaning: Help us packing up and cleaning at the end of the day so we can all go home quicker. 

4. Kitchen Helpers: Help with cutting vegetables on Saturday at 4pm. 

5. Serving: Help with serving lunch and dinner.

6. Car Park Attendant: Help in the car park. This service is for 1 hour max depending on your availability.

7. Accommodation: If you have a spare room and would like to accommodate our guest during their stay in Dublin.

Get in touch with us for any other service that you would like to do and isn’t in the list. 

Service Form

Please fill in the details below: